In early April 2021, Sharifi Moqaddam, who is a Gonabadi Dervish and is currently serving his seven years’ imprisonment sentence following the clashes in Golestan-e Haftom, sent an open letter in which he described the inhumane conditions of Fashafoyeh prison.*

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Following Mohammad Sharifi Moqaddam’ s public request of writers and publishers to donate books and reading materials to detention centers, at least eleven thousand books have been gifted to Fashafoyeh prison in Tehran. In early April 2021, Sharifi Moqaddam, who is a Gonabadi Dervish and is currently serving his seven years’ imprisonment sentence following the clashes in Golestan-e Haftom, sent an open letter in which he described the inhumane conditions of Fashafoyeh prison. “Lack of drinking water, poor nutrition, overcrowded wards, physical fights, drug addiction, drug overdoses, self-harm, suicide, rape and intensified exploitative relations … are [some of] the issues that prisoners deal with.” According to him, books are very rare and scarce in prison, while various types of drugs are easily accessible for inmates that many of them are young Millennials. “A book in prison also finds applications beyond its text. The book and paper break down the concrete-iron environment of the prison. Among the many insults of the prison and prison guard, a book brings respect [for the prisoners],” Sharifi Moqaddam added

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