Ebrahim Firouzi, Christin convert in Chabahar prison, concluded his hunger strike after the authorities promised to review his case. In 2011, he was arrested for the first time and charged with evangelical activities. He was arrested again in 2013 and was released on bail after about three months. In July 2013, the Branch 2 of the Revolutionary Court in Robatkarim, presided over by Judge Babaei, sentenced him to one-year imprisonment and two years’ exile in Sarbaz in Sistan and Baluchistan Province. While serving his sentence, he was tried again in Branch 28 of the Revolutionary Court in Tehran, presided over by Judge Mohammad Moghisseh. In March 2015, he was sentenced to five years’ imprisonment on the charge of forming an illegal group to disrupt national security. This sentence was later upheld by the court of appeals. During his detention, he was beaten and denied access to proper medical care. In November 2019, Firouzi was released from prison and sent to exile. In February 2021, he reported that the Ministry of Intelligence has opened a new case against him and placed his family under pressure. After that, he was arrested and sent to Chabahar prison.