Days after security forces’ crack down on Donabadi Dervishes in Kovar, a complaint was filed by 113 Basij members and Shiʿa clerics against Dervishes.*

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The court sentenced 35 Dervishes to a total of 85 years’ imprisonment, internal exile, and monetary damages. Seven Dervishes were charged with moharebeh, or waging war against God, and corruption on earth. Although moharebeh is a capital offense punishable by death, three of the defendants were sentenced to permanent internal exile and four were sentenced to temporary internal exile. Iran’s Supreme Court upheld these sentences. The details of these cases are unknown. On the other hand, a group of Gonabadi Dervishes, including Saleh Moradi and Kasra Nouri, filed a complaint in the Special Court for the Clergy against the clerics who took provocative actions against Dervishes. After several years, the case was closed without reaching a decision.

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